This App is a paid version of the Free Diabetic Insulin Log/Alert. It's purpose is to fund further development on thisand other Medical Apps.The new Summary Screen is a tremendous aid for proper sizing of medication. A quick look and you knowexactly what your current medications are doing plus a comparison of recent medication levels.
The DMM is specifically for Diabetics and Caregivers that are dedicated to tight and safe control who use MDI or Flexible Insulin Therapy (FIT).
This APP makes it easy to quickly store and check times and amounts of insulin. For MDI users, it is an easy way to keep track helping to avoid an unpleasant low.
The APP makes it so easy to keep track of medication times and amounts. For example, just start the APP and use the large custom keyboard to enter amount (1+ pushes) and select the type of insulin (1). Then press EXIT. That is all you have to do. This avoids wasted time compared to other medication logging APPs.
The APP creates a record plus optionally reminds, via popup or android alert, sound, or vibration when the medication onsets, peaks, or other selected time occurs.
When you want to check your active insulin, simply start the APP, select Active Insulin and you see a list of all functioning insulin plus a weeks history of average BG and number of units used.
This APP was designed by a Type 1 diabetic to keep track of Glucose and Med times dates and averages. This can save time overall with information at your fingertips giving you instant status on how your therapy is working.
It is especially valuable for athletes with irregular exercise schedules. Aerobic one day and Anaerobic the next who want to use alarms to know when to check glucose. Even more so to people who participate in anaerobic exercise. This app will do this with the least keystrokes.
In addition to the visual and audio reminder alerts a historical record or log, is stored in the smartphone. The log, in Excel Format, can be exported via email for analysis or read off the Phone Smart Card. On a desktop Excel may be used to analyze and plot the data recorded.